
En espaņol

Four ways you can get involved:

1. Take a short online survey

Tell us your story about the Bronx. We've been commissioned by the Longwood Arts Gallery/Bronx Council On The Arts to create a map of the Bronx from the stories of people who live, work, or spend time there. We are especially interested in stories about the sex trade -- whether you have direct experience in the sex trade, or have a story about the sex trade in the Bronx. We want to hear from you directly because we know that the stereotypes some people have do not reflect people's real lives and the varied ways they are connected to the Bronx community. We know that people in the sex trade aren't defined just by what they do to survive. We also have direct experience of the sex trade, and we don't hold any judgments or assumptions about what that means.

Please help us remap the Bronx based on your own stories about living, working, and spending time there. We have a short survey that asks about your favorite places in the Bronx. Even if you've only visited, please take a few moments to let us know where you went, what you thought, and what it meant to you.

2. Tell us a story: 646-543-1669

3. Text us a story: 646-543-1669

4. Send us a photo: tapremap[at]gmail[dot]com

More about Reworking The Map

More about Norene + Melissa

More questions?

Email: tapremap[at]gmail[dot]com

Call: 646-543-1669

*We respect your privacy. We will not connect your phone or email to any stories or information you provide.

Read an interview with Norene Leddy about the project